A Five Star Review for The Journey: "Lovely Paranormal Erotic Romance With a World View"

Hot Chocolate Kiss is now out of print, but I have copies.

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Upcoming Events:

February 6, 2016
Meriden, Connecticut

March 18-20, 2016

Past Appearances:

A Paranormal Author Goes Straight The Book Boost 8/29/11

Monday, June 28, 2010

My Spotlight Day is Here!

Join the discussion on my personal Coffee Time Romance Forum. We're starting off discussing writing sex scenes from the point of view of the opposite sex. Who knows where that will lead?

Andrew Richardson and other Eternal Press Authors will be stopping by. There will be previews, prizes.....

I'll be in and out all day.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 28 Is My Spotlight Day on Coffee Time Romance

Please join me at the June Jubilee Celebration on Coffee Time Romance.

On my personal forum we're discussing the merits of shorter length stories versus longer ones. I just finished The Scandalous Tale of Agnes Biggenbotten by Christopher Newman, a delightful novella whose pages turned themselves. Yet, I love to get sucked into novels like Angel of Windword by Maggie Dove, or I Came Upstairs: A Victorian Courtesan's Memoir by MC Halliday.

Then there are novelettes like The Shoot by Andrew Richardson and mine, Hot Chocolate Kiss.

Plus all the newest releases. So many books, so little time....

All are available at the Eternal Press Website

There is a cool special interests forum where you can jump into discussions on authors' hobbies.
My spotlight day on Coffee Time Romance is June 28. Andrew Richardson will be stopping by to chat about his work, our collaborations, and how to write great sex scenes from the point of view of the opposite sex.

Previews, prizes....